Monday, 6 March 2023

Welcome to our web site

Thanks for visiting our web site.  We hope you'll find something of interest here.

If you know our Club, you will know that we have a reputation for being a very friendly and welcoming Club.  If you don't know us, and you live in or around Ashby de la Zouch, why not come along and see for yourself.

In the past year we have had an influx of very welcome new members, and now have over 25 members of all ages between 16 & 90+. We have players of all abilities, and most newcomers fit in very well. Those who have not played much have benefited from help and advice from the more experienced members. We have 5 teams in the Leicestershire & Rutland Chess Association ( LRCA) Leagues, and besides League matches there are always friendly games taking place.

If you would like to know more please contact Neil Roberts on 07804 743471 or

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