Wednesday, 10 March 2021


Like many organisations in the current climate, we have not been able to play as we would like to have for a while. Consequently, the site has not been updated for some time now. However, things are looking better, and we would hope that face to face chess will be possible in the near future. Initially this will be in the open air on the Bath Grounds, as we did last year.  Notices will appear here when these are arranged.

A few of us have been playing online on &, and we have entered a team in the ECF 4NCL online League. Some details of our progress in the current Season will follow.  

We have also been holding unofficial Under 100s competitions. Mick Brown & Brian Wood won the first two and the 3rd is in progress. Details to follow.

So, we hope you have all been keeping well, and are looking forward to returning to playing regularly again.

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